Collection: ELF


Künstlerin aus Zürich (CH)

1998 Vorkurs ZHdK 2003 Designerin FH ZHdK 2005 Designerin für Freeform Design, Kuala Lumpur (MAL)

1998 — aktuell Sekundarlehrperson, Graffiti, Kunstkurse für Jugendliche, ZH 1996 — aktuell Unzählige internationale Festivals, Aufträge in Australien, Malaysia, Italien, Gambia, USA, Deutschland, Schweden etc.

Oneline meets coloursplash
The work is bold, colourful and manages to be whimsical and thought provoking at the same time. Based in Zurich and the Gambia, ELF is making the world a brighter and happier place with her unique trademark oneliner style derived from her early Graffiti days. Travelling the planet, doing murals and exhibitions, she also works on commissioned artworks for private collectors.

ELF: "I am in for the thrill of fighting all sorts of grey"
